Our Services

Denk Associates provides mechanical, electrical and plumbing engineering services both locally and nationally. Regardless of the project, client, or location, a successful project hinges on understanding the client’s primary goals. Building technologies and client priorities have changed throughout the decades and Denk Associates continues to evaluate and implement emerging technologies.

Electrical Engineering


Interior Lighting Design
Exterior Lighting Design
Building Power Distribution
Nurse Call and Fire Alarm
Communication and IT

Mechanical Engineering


HVAC Air Distribution
HVAC Hydronic Systems
Plumbing Domestic Water
Plumbing DWV Systems
Medical Gas Systems
Fire Protection System



Independent System Verification
LEED Commissioning
System Troubleshooting
Existing System Analysis
Payback Analysis

Sustainable Design


USGBC LEED Certification
Enterprise Green Communities
Energy Modeling
High Performance Buildings

Why Choose Us

  • Partnering: We view our business as an extension of our clients’ business
  • Solutions: We listen to what our clients need and deliver appropriate, efficient, and economical designs
  • Relationships: Building relationships to effectively work through the always changing challenges of a project
  • Experience: With nearly 50 years of engineering service, we have experience with a wide variety of systems, challenges, and constraints.

What We Do

\frac{v^2}{2}+gh+\frac{p}{\rho}=H H=z +\frac{p}{\rho g}+\frac{v^2}{2g}=h+\frac{v^2}{2g}
Piping System Design
I = \frac{V}{R} \quad{or}\quad V = IR \quad{or}\quad R = \frac{V}{I}
Electrical Design
q = UA \Delta T Where \frac {1} {UA} = \sum \frac{1} {hA} + \sum R
HVAC Design
E_{\wp}=\frac{\phi_{\wp}\times CU \times LLF}{A_{\wp}}
Lighting Design
V_{bz}=R_{P}\times P_{Z}+R_{A}\times A_{Z} V_{oz}=\frac{V_{bz}}{E_{z}}
Indoor Air Quality